Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Leading the Way

Hey Everyone!

The semester is nearly over! That means projects and exams galore. I have spent much of my time studying, as always. I also have been busy with things for Student Ambassadors. We had a campus wide volunteer activity called the Big Event last week. People could sign up in groups and then they were assigned to go do volunteer work at different locations. Unfortunately with the spring snow storm that came through we weren’t able to do any volunteering outside, so we stuck to indoor tasks. My group was assigned to clean at a homeless shelter in Mankato. It was nice to be able to give back and help out the community, even if it was a small gesture.

I was also nominated for a leadership award and attended a reception for my nomination. I received an award for my leadership within ambassadors. I am very grateful for my time spent as a leader in ambassadors and I am happy that I was able to contribute in such a way. I have learned a lot of things through being a leader and I suggest that everyone join some sort of recognized student organization!
Other than being busy volunteering and events I have made some time to do fun things for myself as well. My roommate and I took a break from studying to go to the mall, one of our favorite past times=). I also registered to take my pharmacy entrance exam, the PCAT. It is hard to believe I am so close to graduation and moving on to other things! That seems to be all for now.

Until next time!

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