Friday, May 4, 2012

Campus Resources from Nick

(For posting on 4/19/12)

Hey Everyone-
I hope everyone is having an amazing week! The semester is coming to an end already and I can’t believe already that my first year of college is almost over. I'm getting ready to study really hard on these finals that are coming really soon. I took the EMT Test this past week but I will have to wait to see what my score will be, I hope I pass the test because it would be really amazing.

I am ready for summer to start and my cruise is on the 19th of May! I have never been on a cruise before and I'm super pumped for this adventure. I will be working at a waterpark for the summer, and hopefully applying for different EMT Positions.

I would also like to give everyone some information about two different services that we have on campus:
Security on campus works 24hrs a day and 365 days of the year! They have many great programs that you may use. They have the escort service which you either have to start or end on campus and one of the security officers will walk with you to that location, vehicle lock outs if you leave your keys in your car, and much more. They also respond to all emergency calls on campus like fire alarms, medicals (EMT Certification), and anything else you can think of. 
We have a medical clinic on campus that has full time nurses and doctors who can help with any medical issues that may come up. There is also a pharmacy that can dispense any type of medication that you may need to take including over the counter (OTC) medications. If you would not like to go to the medical clinic or have an emergency you can go to Immanuel St .Joseph Hospital (Mayo Health System) which is a level 2 Trauma center with the Mayo One Medical Helicopter. Well that’s it for this now.
Thanks and have a great week!

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