Friday, April 26, 2013

Did Someone Say DUKE BURGER?

Hey Everyone-

 Finals week is fast approaching, so I have been super busy with completing final projects and studying for my exams. I have six cumulative finals that consist of everything I have learned in each class since January. I am a little nervous for a few of my exams, but since I am beginning to study ahead of time, I should be adequately prepared for them. This week has been a great week for me, I finished my spring dental clinic rotation and am now beginning my summer session of clinic ahead of time! I will be taking one summer class this year, but it only consists of clinic and no coursework or exams, I hope it will be more relaxing for me than this past semester has been.

The weather has also been warming up so I have been in a much happier mood than last week with all of the snow and rain! This weekend I plan to enjoy the weather by grilling out with some friends tomorrow and walking dogs on Sunday! Now that the semester is winding down, I am going to get back into an exercise plan and get back into shape. I enjoy running and going for walks outside, which is much easier now with warmer temperatures and some sunshine! Also this week, my supervisor from work decided to take the student workers in my area at the Admissions office out to dinner. She brought us to a restaurant in Eagle Lake, just outside of Mankato, MN. The place she brought us to is known for their famous “Duke Burger,” a two pound burger with a giant bun, cheese, bacon, and lots of toppings! Although I would have enjoyed eating one by myself (who am I kidding, I cannot even handle eating a regular burger in one sitting), we split it six ways and had a bunch of fries and onion rings. It was so delicious, definitely a great way to celebrate another year of working at the Admissions office.

I also found out that I will be able to work in Admissions as a tour guide again for the summer months, as well as help with class registration for Orientation programs! Needless to say, I will stay active and busy throughout the summer, but hope to enjoy some much needed rest and relaxation.

That is one BIG burger!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The End is Near!

Hey Everyone-

The semester has come to end really fast. My classes are coming to the end, all I have left is three tests during finals week. I got to register for my summer and fall semesters this past week and will be taking 18 credits next fall. Also, I get to apply to my major this summer which is really exciting!

There are many cool projects happening this summer. We are connecting a tunnel from the Memorial Library to the Centennial Student Union. They are also tearing down Gage Towers in June; the towers have served as residence halls for over 50 years. In addition there are many other miscellaneous events going on throughout the summer! Come down and visit us and enjoy a day at MSU!! Go Mavericks! 

Gage Residence Halls

Teaching One on One

Hey Bloggers!

Happy almost end of April!  I can’t believe the end of classes is only two and a half weeks away.  I’m not ready for the end yet!  I can’t wait for summer but I still have so much to get done before my summer can start, I would actually like a few more weeks of class.  (Whew, NEVER thought I’d hear myself say that before!) 

Can we take a second to discuss how this “spring” weather has been super gross?  I am doing my field experience at Mankato West High school and we had a SNOW DAY a few weeks ago.  A snow day…. mid-April….. Now, I won’t complain about the day off, but I’m not super okay with there being that much snow in April.  I was ready to bust out my shorts and flip flops by the start of February so this has definitely been way too long of a winter.  One thing I love about MSU, however, is that almost all the buildings are connected, so with this gross weather I really never have to go outside once I get to campus.  Score!

The past few weeks have been filled with lots of studying, work, lesson planning, and teaching.  The days are flying by because they are so jam-packed with things to do!  I am learning so much by being in the classroom.  I know I’ve said this in at least two previous posts… but I cannot wait to become a teacher!!  Everyday my love for chemistry teaching grows, I love it!  With my field experiences I have started to teach more and more lessons, so I’m becoming so much more comfortable and confident in my abilities as both a chemist and a teacher. (Thank goodness because I don’t know what my back-up plan would have been if I decided I didn’t like chemistry teaching after all… probably a professional fro-yo eater since that’s my second greatest passion in life after teaching..) =)

Well, I’m off to do more lesson planning.  Chemistry BINGO reviews for tomorrow, woohoo!!  Thanks for reading my blog!


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Leading the Way

Hey Everyone!

The semester is nearly over! That means projects and exams galore. I have spent much of my time studying, as always. I also have been busy with things for Student Ambassadors. We had a campus wide volunteer activity called the Big Event last week. People could sign up in groups and then they were assigned to go do volunteer work at different locations. Unfortunately with the spring snow storm that came through we weren’t able to do any volunteering outside, so we stuck to indoor tasks. My group was assigned to clean at a homeless shelter in Mankato. It was nice to be able to give back and help out the community, even if it was a small gesture.

I was also nominated for a leadership award and attended a reception for my nomination. I received an award for my leadership within ambassadors. I am very grateful for my time spent as a leader in ambassadors and I am happy that I was able to contribute in such a way. I have learned a lot of things through being a leader and I suggest that everyone join some sort of recognized student organization!
Other than being busy volunteering and events I have made some time to do fun things for myself as well. My roommate and I took a break from studying to go to the mall, one of our favorite past times=). I also registered to take my pharmacy entrance exam, the PCAT. It is hard to believe I am so close to graduation and moving on to other things! That seems to be all for now.

Until next time!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Warm it Up...Please!


       Okay, this weather is getting out of hand!! I recently told the people I work with that when I get home after finals we’re going golfing whether the course is open or not!  This time last year it was consistently warm enough for shorts and t-shirts.  I am about ready to hop in my car and head south.  However, finals week is coming up extremely fast.  We only have 2 more weeks of class left!  I am just finishing up a large group project for one of my accounting classes so once this is off my plate it will be a big weight lifted.

       I’m going home for my sister’s confirmation this weekend so hopefully I get to see all my family!  I have so many little cousins but hardly ever get to see them which is no good.  I’m just hoping I don’t have to drive through the snow again until next December… or later!


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Best Has Yet to Come; Kayla's Blog

Hey Everyone,

This past week has been extremely busy with work and school! On Tuesday I had a 10 page literature review paper due for my Clinical Seminar course. Each student was able to research a topic related to the field of dental hygiene and had to write a review upon at least 10 scholarly articles that they found. My topic was focused on diabetes mellitus and its relationship to periodontal disease. It may seem boring to most, but a lot of my family members have some form of diabetes and I wanted to learn more about what it would mean for me as a hygienist when treating these patients. I also gave a 15 minute presentation on Wednesday to my class about the topic of diabetes and how it pertains to their dental treatment. Now that those two big projects are completed, I only have a few exams and quizzes before finals weeks. What a relief off of my shoulders!

Aside from the chaos of school, I worked with New Student and Family Programs on Friday for Transfer student orientation. I specifically aided students within the College of Allied Health and Nursing to register for their classes for the fall. Unfortunately, it is my second to last program, and after next Friday, I will no longer be helping out with orientation. I usually work for orientation during the summer months, but due to taking a summer class this year, I will be unable to continue the job.

This weekend I was extremely busy as well. Friday night I had my pinning ceremony for Dental Hygiene. The ceremony was held in honor of the junior class on (almost) completing their first year of the program, and for the senior class to congratulate them for their completion of the program. My parents, grandparents and boyfriend, Anthony, all attended to support me. After the ceremony, we went to a local restaurant, Tav on the Ave to celebrate, as I received a scholarship from the Allied Health and Nursing Alumni Foundation!

Although I enjoy a busy schedule and like being on-the-go, I came down with an awful cold this weekend and have been resting. School has been very stressful because finals week is soon approaching, but I need to focus on getting some better sleep and eating properly, even though sometimes I feel as if I do not have time to each a decent meal. Sometimes it is best to take a little break from the busy life, and relax in order to avoid the “burn-out.”

Until next time,
Kayla (middle) and her parents at the pinning ceremony

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Only One Month Left!

Hello Everyone-

    The semester is almost done; there is only one month left. My classes are going by really fast. I think it’s because the classes I'm taking this semester are really fun! My classes have a lot of real life examples that are being used which really helps. 

    There are many construction projects happening on-campus this summer! They are connecting a tunnel from Memorial Library to the CSU. That will be really nice to have when it’s really cold outside!! They are also tearing down Gage Towers which has housed over 50,000 over the many years that it was open. There are so many different things that are in place which will make the University look so cool!!

Until Next Time,

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Hey Bloggers!

It’s FINALLY starting to feel like spring (well, not today, but that’s a different story)!  Woohoo!!!  I recently went on my first run of the season in shorts and let me tell you, it was magnificent.  I can’t believe there are only 3 and a half weeks of class left in the semester (plus finals).  Where has time gone!?!  Seriously.  My schedule has gotten absolutely insane recently.  I’m now doing clinicals for two of my classes, so I’m in the classroom for about 15 hours a week on top of all my classes and work.  Whew.  It’s been exhausting but I wouldn’t change it for a thing because I LOVE the opportunities I have to be working in the classroom.  I am learning so much.  Everyday I walk out of the classes I’m working in full of new insights and knowledge that I will take into my future classroom, it’s awesome.  I’m learning so much about teaching styles, techniques, classroom management, and even brushing up on my General Chemistry knowledge!  I know I say this all the time, but I’m seriously so excited for my future as a Chemistry Teacher, it can’t come soon enough!

In addition, with the end of the semester coming up all my other classes have gotten pretty busy as well.  Lots of tests, projects, and papers due before the final bell rings and summer vacation starts.  Sometimes I feel like Dorie from Finding Nemo when she says “just keep swimming, just keep swimming”, the semester is coming to an end soon.  Apart from studying and lesson planning I’m trying to find some balance by taking study breaks to do fun things with friends (like bowling in the Maverick BullPen) and of course lacing up those good ol’ tennies for some daily stress relief.

I hope everyone is enjoying this Spring weather and spending some time outside! =)


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Gettin' WILD with the Wild!

Hi Everyone!
It’s hard to believe that there is only about a month left of school! I had two tests this week, and don’t think I have another one until we get closer to finals week! Hopefully it will be smooth sailing until then.  Registration for next semester is coming up soon and I’m hoping to get into 3 online classes and only have 5 hours of class each week!
I finally signed a lease for an apartment for next year and will be living in University Square right across the street from campus.  It is very close, and it is located above a strip that has a Chipotle, Jimmy Johns, Noodles & Company, Leann Chin, and Coldstone.  Hopefully my bank account and metabolism hold up!
Last Monday I went to the Minnesota Wild game with Nick, Abby, and Katelyn, who all work in the Admissions office with me.  Even though they got slaughtered, it was still a lot of fun and a good break from school.  We got to sit in the first deck, and Katelyn achieved her goal of getting a picture with the mascot!
Jake Rabusch
Jake and his fellow Student Ambassadors at the Wild game.
(Left to right: Nick, Jake, Katelyn, Abby)

Monday, April 8, 2013

Get Lucky!

For posting 3/22/2013

Hey Bloggers!

Happy Spring Break for anyone who is on it now!  Luckily for you it is a little warmer and sunnier than it was a few weeks ago.  The rest of myspring break was pretty much the same as the first part I blogged about before; lots of sleep, relaxation, and of course some studying!  The Get Lucky half marathon was really fun, but really cold!  It’s crazy that last year it was almost 80 degrees on St. Patrick’s Day and this year it was FREEZING!

Since coming back from break things have been crazy and will continue that way until the end of the semester.  I started my clinical hours for one of my education classes last Friday and will start the hours for my other class on Monday.  I am seriously SO excited to be in the classroom teaching and working with the cooperating teacher and students. 

MSU is really awesome because starting in Block 1 they put you in the classroom, so by the time you get to student teaching you are really comfortable being in the classroom and teaching lessons.  I’m currently in Block 2, so I’m still doing a lot of observation hours but I also have to plan and teach at least 3 lessons.  Every day is a reminder of how much I love chemistry and teaching and how excited I am for my future!!!!  For any bloggers who attend the Mankato Area schools, I may get the opportunity to work with you!  Make sure you tell me you read my blog. =)

That’s all for now, keep thinking warm and snow-less thoughts! =)


Birthday Bliss

Hey Everyone!

These past few weeks have been crazy busy! Like always I have spent a lot of time working on stuff for school, preparing for exams, and working. With all of that going on it is sometimes hard to find times to breathe! Although I have been busy I have found some time to do fun things as well.

My roommate celebrated her birthday a few weeks ago so we went to dinner and then bowling with a big group of us. It was nice to do something different, and we had a great time. We also had a social event for ambassadors this week. A fellow tour guide named Katelyn planned an event at Buffalo Wild Wings for the tour guides. She even got prizes for the people who came. It was a lot of fun. I also get to go to a Phillip Phillip’s concert! I bought the tickets three months ago and I have been counting down the hours until the concert so I am super excited!!!

That seems to be all for now. Time to get back to studying!

Until next time,

Jeni and her roommate Jenny on her birthday!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Walkin' the Dogs

Hey Everyone!
Nothing much has changed since I returned from my spring break trip from Florida. The past few weeks I have had some midterm exams and projects due, and my clinical appointments are filling up. I have been busy with cleaning teeth, taking x-rays and making custom whitening -trays at the MSU Dental Clinic. Next year as new students to MSU, everyone should check out the clinic at some point during the year. We offer cleanings, x-rays, dental exams by a dentist, fluoride treatments and we even can perform certain fillings if you have cavities. The clinic provides services at low-costs compared to private practice clinics and we also accept many different dental insurance plans! It is a great opportunity to take advantage of, especially if you have to travel a long distance to get back to your clinic at home during the academic year!
Outside of class, I have been volunteering at the local animal shelter, Blue Earth and Nicollet County Human Society, or BENCHS. My boyfriend and I walk dogs most weekends on Sunday afternoons. It has been a great experience, not only do I get a little bit of exercise and fresh air, but the shelter dogs get much needed attention and playtime. I highly suggest walking dogs at the shelter if you are an animal lover, like the outdoors and want a highly enjoyable volunteer experience. The shelter has walking hours every week and weekend, all year round. If you are not into the outdoor scene, they also have opportunities to volunteer at the front desk or having some indoor play time with the animals.

Anthony and Kayla parasailing in Florida!
 I wish I could go back for a few more days to enjoy the sun and warm weather! =)